Git Quick Tips

A disorganised collection of helpful howto information consistent with the goals of the project.

Git Quick Tips (Incomplete)

Get an up to date version of Git on Cinnamon

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa -y
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git -y
git --version

Using a Git GUI

Lots of choices. Good for an overall view. VSC has a ‘Source Control’ view built in that is useful that shows git file differences clearly.

A Git GUI is less ideal to use for operations than the command line.

There is a native Git GUI called gitk.

On Windows it is probably already installed and it is started as gitk in the same directory git is used as a command.

On Linux you can start it in a directory as gitk &. The & frees the shell for other commands. If gitk is not installed then you can install it with sudo apt install gitk.

Stop Git asking repeatedly for credentials

git config --global credential.helper store

Better to use SSH. See

Using CI/CD

CI/CD is Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment and involves using what can be a complex chain (including tests) to go from pushing a change with Git to automatic deployment of production or release software, in this case the website, bypassing a firbase depoly manual command.

We do not recommend full CI/CD for small one or two people teams who make infrequent updates and who are not familiar with the processes and what CI/CD does.

On the other hand if you deploy your website to GitHub or GitLab instead of Firebase then a push needs to trigger a deployment. There are guides for this at (GitHub) and (GitLab).

CI/CD for GitHub with Firebase

There are examples of two firebase hosting GitHub Actions at, one for previews if a PR (pull request) and one for production if a merge.

CI/CD For GitLab with Firebase

Have a look at

How to upload to GitLab a new site from the Hugo doks child theme, KEEPING commit history

Assume repository mysite does not exist or has been deleted and myusername is your username on gitlab

git clone mysite
cd mysite
git remote rename origin old-origin
git remote add origin
git push -u origin --all
git push -u origin --tags

Change access to public if desired

How to upload to GitLab a new site from the Hugo doks child theme, RESTARTING commit history

Assume repository mysite does not exist or has been deleted and myusername is your username on gitlab

git clone mysite
cd mysite
rm -rf ./.git
git init --initial-branch=main
git remote add origin
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin main

Change access to public if desired