Basic Workflow

A disorganised collection of helpful howto information consistent with the goals of the project.

YouTube video

Updating a Hugo web site for Firebase

Basic day to day workflow

We will assume a hugo framework is being used, tools have been setup and you are working on an established website where a directory setup defines behaviour of git and firebase commands in that directory. Nemo is the name of the file explorer in Cinnamon (like File Explorer in Windows).

  1. Right click on work directory in Nemo and click on ‘Open in Terminal’
  2. Open your favourite editor, such as VSC (Visual Studio Code) with command code .. Note the full stop at end of command. This is important.
  3. In a new or same terminal at same directory run command hugo server (or npm run server if hugo doks theme) to start a local server
  4. Ctrl + Single Click on http://localhost:1313/ in terminal to view on local server in Firefox or refresh existing Firefox tab. Note Ctrl + C stops server.
  5. Start or continue editing your framework files, such as Hugo markdown files
  6. Make sure you save your changes in editor to view live changes on local server. Maybe leave ‘Auto Save’ on in VSC.
  7. When finished stop local server in its terminal with Ctrl + C. You may occasionally need to stop and restart if there are problems with the local server
  8. To build web site use hugo (or npm run build if hugo doks theme)
  9. To upload web site changes run command firebase deploy
  10. Check everything looks OK. Make further changes if necessary
  11. When finished run the following commands to upload changes to GitLab or GitHub to keep records and for collaboration
    1. Command git add . (Note the full stop at end)
    2. Command git commit -m 'Your one line message about the changes you have just made'. Note git commit on its own will start an editor and allow you to leave a multi line message.
    3. Command git pull --rebase is a good habit to get into and will pull in other peoples changes if collaborating. If there is conflict then you will need to fix and alter workflows to avoid happening frequently. For example running git pull --rebase earlier before you start editing
    4. Command git push to update repository
    5. Git is complex and does a lot behind the scenes. It is not sound practice to put all these git commands into a single command file and run it.

Whenever a file is changed (for example by saving an editor file or adding/removing an image file) the local web server updates. Sometimes it is less disruptive to temporarily stop the local web server and leave off until bulk changes are finished.

If ‘Auto Save’ is on in VSC and the local web server is running, then updates can be viewed immediately.

If the local web server becomes out of sync then stop and restart it.

Command summaries

Start and stop local web server

npm run server # or hugo server
#Ctrl + Single Click on URL (http://localhost:1313) to view in web browser
#Ctrl + C to stop
Start and stop local web server video

See YouTube video above for more context

Edit and deploy

# Edit files and optionally test locally with npm run server or hugo server
npm run build # or hugo
firebase deploy
Edit and Deploy video

See YouTube video above for more context

Upload changes to collaboration repository

git add .
git commit -m 'your commit message'
git pull --rebase
git push


Update GitHub or GitLab video

See YouTube video above for more context